Canals and Levees

Empire Outfall

Empire Outfall

This three-phased contract required RSA to perform construction activities within an existing utility corridor, working around a busy technical college campus, and within the boundaries of the University of Minnesotas UMore Park, a unique living laboratory for instruction on topics in agriculture, horticulture and natural resources.

The initial contract included demolition, earthwork, structural excavation, backfill, aggregate base and yard pipe installation for the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant from 12 million gallons per day to 24 million. The scope of work included earthwork, aggregate placement and installation of over 63,000 linear feet of pipe.

The first, second and third phase of the pipeline portion of the project included the excavation and installation of a 15-mile large diameter outfall pipe carrying treated wastewater from the treatment plant to the Mississippi River. Excavation quantities exceeded 1,000,000 cubic yards of material with some depths reaching 40 feet. In addition to piping, the work scope also included installation of fittings, siphon inlet and outlet structures, and use of structural concrete.

In the final phase of the project, RSA work included installation of a dual double-barrel forcemain, fittings, and gravity sanitary sewer needed for improvements to the Rosemount Interceptor. Project scope also included: procurement, installation and testing of gravity outfall pipe, fittings and appurtenances, associated maintenance holes and other facilities by both open cut excavation and tunneling operations associated with transporting treated effluent from the Empire Waste Water Treatment Plant to the Mississippi River.