
The success of RSA Construction Group is measured by how well we handle the complexities of project details, the challenges they present, and our ability to complete them to the customers’ satisfaction. Yet, that success is only possible with the willing spirits and capable hands of the dedicated people who work here, led by those who inspire these invaluable professionals to take pride in their workmanship and make a commitment to excellence. Meet some of the people who inspire us to build quality into our projects—day in and day out.

An image of John W. Lockhart

John W. Lockhart

President and Chief Executive Officer

An image of Tom Moormeier

Tom Moormeier

Chief Financial Officer

An image of Sean Wong

Sean Wong


An image of Brent David

Brent David

Chief Administrative Officer

An image of Tim Rittel

Tim Rittel

Chief Legal Officer

An image of Bob Apprill

Bob Apprill

Chief Information Officer

An image of Justin Scott

Justin Scott

President | Midwest Region

An image of Jerry Odell

Jerry Odell

President | Southwest Region

An image of Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

President | Western Region

An image of Todd Sandeen

Todd Sandeen

Executive Vice President & General Counsel

An image of Shawn L. Safety

Shawn L. Safety

Vice President, Real Estate & Aggregates 

An image of Curtis Daniels

Curtis Daniels

Executive Vice President

An image of Nick Mitchell

Nick Mitchell

Executive Vice President, Alternative Delivery

An image of Zach Nottberg

Zach Nottberg

Director of Safety and Health

An image of Sue Taylor

Sue Taylor

Director of Risk Management

An image of Katie Hank

Katie Hank

Human Resources Director

An image of Jon Brandon

Jon Brandon
